Human Factors Results ViewerThe Human Factors Results Viewer (HFRV) is a convient utility for selecting results files for post-processing, averaging them, and viewing the plots. The graphical entry tool assists in post-processing and viewing results from Human-Factors models. It is an alternative to typing commands in the text window. Common options are provided for selecting results data files, time-averaging, and plotting them. It invokes ave and/or xgraph, and optionally can invoke your simulation with the appropriate HumanFactor-Models options (-anim, -hist, -stat).You MUST pick a results file to average or plot. Other switches offer optional settings. Each command is available for further customization. Click the Run It, Average It, or Plot It buttons to execute the actions.
The HFRV tool is included in all CSIM distributions under the csim/tools/$CSIM_MTYPE/general_utilities directory. To access the HFRV tool from the CSIM GUI or SimView control panel Tools Menu, add the following line to your gui_setups file: See also: gui_setups.