<autopan state="on/off" T1="" T2="" RotDir="clkwise/cntrclkwise" Rate="" />The autopan_rel version interprets the time amounts as relative to the current time.
<camera_follow name=objname T=T1 xoffset=x, yoffset=y, zoffset=z />The camera_follow__rel version interprets the time amount as relative to the current time.
<sleep_until T="xx" />
<set_origin X="x" Y="y" Z="z" />
<set_light_onoff light="x" state="on/off" />
<set_light_dir light="x" x="x" y="y" z="z" />
<set_light_pos light="x" x="x" y="y" z="z" />
<set_light_col light="x" r="r" g="g" b="b" />
<pathtrace obj="Jet1" t1="1.0" t2="5000" dt="1.5" fade_t="12" max_n="10" style="1" r="1" g="0" b="0" trans="1" yoffset="30" />(This feature is available in version 3.90 and beyond.)
<time_display name="" r="", g="", b="", scale="" thickness="" x="" y="" z="" xang="" yang="" zang="" dt="" tscale="" kind="" />It is usually most useful to display the progression of time on a fixed position of the screen. So use the foreground mode as in:
<bgfgstate state = "F"/> <time_display r="1", g="1", b="0", scale="0.3" thickness="2" x="42" y="-92" z="0" dt="0.2" kind="7" /> <bgfgstate state = "B"/>The dt attribute controls how often the display is updated. Default equals "1", which is once per second. To update by tenths of a second, set to "0.1".
The tscale attribute controls whether to dilate or compress the displayed time value. Default equals "1". For example, if you wish to display in milliseconds, you could set the tscale to be "1000".
The kind attribute controls the type of time display. Default equals "0", which displays the integer value of time, which would usually be whole seconds. The following other options are available:
Example: 139 Example: 0:2:32 Example: T = 139 Example: 0:0:2 Example: T = 139.5821 Example: T = 139.58 Example: T = 139.6 |
<exit t="t" />