add.c:********************************************************************** add.c: Add.c - add.c: This program adds the elements of two real or complex vector or add.c: matrix files together to produce a third file containg the sum. add.c: add.c: Options: add.c: (no options) add.c: add.c: Example Usage: add.c: add fileA fileB NewSumFile add.c: add.c: File Types: add.c: In: Real or Complex, dimensionality must match. add.c: Out: (Same type and dimension as input.) add.c:********************************************************************** cdotpr.c:********************************************************************** cdotpr.c: Cdotpr.c - cdotpr.c: This program computes the complex conjugate dot-product of two cdotpr.c: complex vector files. cdotpr.c: cdotpr.c: Options: cdotpr.c: (no options) cdotpr.c: cdotpr.c: Example Usage: cdotpr.c: cdotpr fileA fileB cdotpr.c: Dot Product = 345.7 cdotpr.c: cdotpr.c: File Types: cdotpr.c: In: Complex, dimensions must match. cdotpr.c: Out: (No out file. Result goes to screen (std.out).) cdotpr.c:********************************************************************** cmag.c:********************************************************************** cmag.c: Cmag.c - cmag.c: This program converts a complex vector file into a real vector file cmag.c: by computing the complex-magnitude of each term. cmag.c: cmag.c: Options: cmag.c: (no options) cmag.c: cmag.c: Example Usage: cmag.c: cmag infile newfile cmag.c: cmag.c: File Types: cmag.c: In: Complex cmag.c: Out: Real cmag.c:********************************************************************** conjg.c:********************************************************************** conjg.c: Conjg.c - conjg.c: This program conjugates a complex vector or matrix. conjg.c: conjg.c: Options: conjg.c: (no options) conjg.c: conjg.c: Example Usage: conjg.c: conjg infile newfile conjg.c: conjg.c: File Types: conjg.c: In: Complex, Vector or Matrix conjg.c: Out: (Same type and dimension as input file.) conjg.c:********************************************************************** convolve.c:********************************************************************** convolve.c: Convolve.c - convolve.c: This program convolves to complex or real vectors. convolve.c: (Defaults to frequency domain convolution for efficiency.) convolve.c: convolve.c: Options: convolve.c: -t - Perform Time Domain Convolution. (slower) convolve.c: -f - Perform Frequency Domain Convolution. (default) convolve.c: convolve.c: Example Usage: convolve.c: convolve infile1 infile2 outfile convolve.c: convolve.c: File Types: convolve.c: In: Real or Complex Vectors (must match). convolve.c: Out: (Same type as input files.) convolve.c:********************************************************************** correlate.c:********************************************************************** correlate.c: Correlate.c - correlate.c: This program correlates to complex or real vectors. correlate.c: (Defaults to frequency domain convolution for efficiency.) correlate.c: correlate.c: Options: correlate.c: -t - Perform Time Domain Correlation. (slower) correlate.c: -f - Perform Frequency Domain Correlattion. (default) correlate.c: correlate.c: Example Usage: correlate.c: correlate infile1 infile2 outfile correlate.c: correlate.c: File Types: correlate.c: In: Real or Complex Vectors (must match). correlate.c: Out: (Same type as input files.) correlate.c:********************************************************************** db.c:********************************************************************** db.c: DB.c - db.c: This program converts a real vector file from 'linear' to 'dB'. db.c: For example, consider the input file to be voltage magnitudes, then db.c: the dB are computed by taking the log of the voltage squared. db.c: (DeciBells are considered a 'power-ratio'.) I.E. 20 Log10(x). db.c: db.c: A check is made for negative or excessively small input values, and db.c: these are truncated to -150 dB. db.c: db.c: Options: db.c: (no options) db.c: db.c: Example Usage: db.c: db infile outfile db.c: db.c: Common Usage: db.c: fft signals.dat signals.fft db.c: cmag signals.fft spectrum.dat db.c: db spectrum.dat spectrum.db db.c: xgraph spectrum.db db.c:********************************************************************** dotpr.c:********************************************************************** dotpr.c: Dot.c - dotpr.c: This program computes the dot-product of two real or complex vector dotpr.c: or matrix files. dotpr.c: dotpr.c: Options: dotpr.c: (no options) dotpr.c: dotpr.c: Example Usage: dotpr.c: dot fileA fileB dotpr.c: Dot Product = 345.7 dotpr.c: dotpr.c: File Types: dotpr.c: In: Real or Complex, dimensions must match. dotpr.c: Out: (No out file. Result goes to screen (std.out).) dotpr.c:********************************************************************** extract_imaginary.c:********************************************************************** extract_imaginary.c: Extract_imaginary.c - extract_imaginary.c: This program extracts the imaginary part of a complex vector file extract_imaginary.c: to a real vector file. extract_imaginary.c: Example: Complex value (5.6, 7.8) becomes just 7.8 extract_imaginary.c: extract_imaginary.c: Options: extract_imaginary.c: (no options) extract_imaginary.c: extract_imaginary.c: Example Usage: extract_imaginary.c: extract_imaginary complexfile realfile extract_imaginary.c: extract_imaginary.c: File Types: extract_imaginary.c: In: Complex extract_imaginary.c: Out: Real extract_imaginary.c:********************************************************************** extract_real.c:********************************************************************** extract_real.c: Extract_real.c - extract_real.c: This program extracts the real part of a complex vector file to a extract_real.c: real vector file. extract_real.c: Example: Complex value (5.6, 7.8) becomes just 5.6 extract_real.c: extract_real.c: Options: extract_real.c: (no options) extract_real.c: extract_real.c: Example Usage: extract_real.c: extract_real complexfile realfile extract_real.c: extract_real.c: File Types: extract_real.c: In: Complex extract_real.c: Out: Real extract_real.c:********************************************************************** fft.c:********************************************************************** fft.c: Fft.c - fft.c: This program reads in a complex list of data smaples, and computes fft.c: the corresponding complex DFT, and prints this out to a file. fft.c: fft.c: Options: fft.c: -f - Forward FFT fft.c: -r - Reverse or Inverse FFT fft.c: -i - Reverse or Inverse FFT fft.c: -d 1 - Forward FFT fft.c: -d -1 - Reverse FFT fft.c: fft.c: Example Usage: fft.c: fft infile.dat outfile.fft fft.c: fft.c: File Types: fft.c: In: Complex or Real fft.c: Out: Complex fft.c:********************************************************************** fft2D.c:********************************************************************** fft2D.c: fft2D - fft2D.c: This program performs the 2D FFT on a complex matrix. fft2D.c: fft2D.c: Options: fft2D.c: -f - Forward FFT fft2D.c: -r - Reverse or Inverse FFT fft2D.c: -i - Reverse or Inverse FFT fft2D.c: -d 1 - Forward FFT fft2D.c: -d -1 - Reverse FFT fft2D.c: fft2D.c: Example Usage: fft2D.c: fft2D in_matrixfile.dat out_transformed_matrixfile.dat fft2D.c: fft2D.c: File Types: fft2D.c: In: Complex or Real Matrix fft2D.c: Out: Complex Matrix fft2D.c:********************************************************************** matinvert.c:********************************************************************** matinvert.c: MatInvert.c - matinvert.c: This program inverts a square matrix file. matinvert.c: matinvert.c: Options: matinvert.c: (None.) matinvert.c: matinvert.c: Example Usage: matinvert.c: matinvert in_matrixfile.dat inverted_out.dat matinvert.c: matinvert.c: File Types: matinvert.c: In: Complex or Real Matrix matinvert.c: Out: Matrix of same data-type as input matrix matinvert.c: matmul.c:********************************************************************** matmul.c: Matmul.c - matmul.c: This program multiplies a matrix by a another matrix or vector to matmul.c: produce a new matrix file. The input files can be real or complex, matmul.c: but must match. matmul.c: matmul.c: Options: matmul.c: (no options) matmul.c: matmul.c: Example Usage: matmul.c: matmul matrixfileA fileB NewMatrixFile matmul.c: matmul.c: File Types: matmul.c: In: Real or Complex, dimensions must comply. matmul.c: Out: (Same type and dimension as first input.) matinvert.c:********************************************************************** matXvec.c:********************************************************************** matXvec.c: MatXvec - matXvec.c: This program extracts a row or column from a matrix row into a matXvec.c: vector. matXvec.c: matXvec.c: Options: matXvec.c: -row x - Row to extract. matXvec.c: -col x - column to extract. matXvec.c: Note: Rows and columns assumed to range 1 to n. matXvec.c: One (1) is the first row or column. matXvec.c: The last row or column is n, where n is the number of rows matXvec.c: or columns, respectively. matXvec.c: matXvec.c: Example Usage: matXvec.c: matXvec in_matrixfile.dat -row 3 out_vector.dat matXvec.c: matXvec.c: File Types: matXvec.c: In: Complex or Real Matrix matXvec.c: Out: Vector of same data-type as input matrix matXvec.c:********************************************************************** multpbp.c:********************************************************************** multpbp.c: Multpbp.c - multpbp.c: This program multiplies a vector by another vector, point-by-point. multpbp.c: The input files can be real or complex, but must match. multpbp.c: multpbp.c: Options: multpbp.c: (no options) multpbp.c: multpbp.c: Example Usage: multpbp.c: multpbp fileA fileB multpbp.c: multpbp.c: File Types: multpbp.c: In: Real or Complex, dimensions must match. multpbp.c: Out: (Same type and dimension as input files.) multpbp.c:********************************************************************** normalize.c:********************************************************************** normalize.c: Normalize.c - normalize.c: This program normalizes a real or complex vector. In other words, normalize.c: it first scans the vector to determine the sum of the magnitudes normalize.c: of the elements, and then scales the vector, such that the sum of normalize.c: the magnitudes equals 1.0. normalize.c: normalize.c: Options: normalize.c: -bymax - Changes normalization to be based on the magnitude of normalize.c: the maximum element, instead of the sum of the normalize.c: magnitudes. normalize.c: normalize.c: Example Usage: normalize.c: normalize oldfile newfile normalize.c: normalize.c: File Types: normalize.c: In: Real or Complex normalize.c: Out: (Same type as input.) normalize.c:********************************************************************** outpr.c:********************************************************************** outpr.c: Outpr.c - outpr.c: This program multiplies to vectors to produce a matrix by outer outpr.c: product multiply. The input files can be real or complex, but outpr.c: types must match. outpr.c: outpr.c: Options: outpr.c: (no options) outpr.c: outpr.c: Example Usage: outpr.c: outpr VecA VecB NewMatrixFile outpr.c: outpr.c: File Types: outpr.c: In: Real or Complex, dimensions and types must match. outpr.c: Out: (Same type and dimension as first input.) outpr.c:********************************************************************** phase.c:********************************************************************** phase.c: Phase.c - phase.c: This program converts a complex vector file into a real vector file phase.c: containing phase, in degrees, of each term. phase.c: phase.c: Options: phase.c: -radians - Report phase in radians instead of degrees. phase.c: phase.c: Example Usage: phase.c: phase complexfile newfile phase.c: phase.c: File Types: phase.c: In: Complex phase.c: Out: Real phase.c:********************************************************************** rand_gen.c:************************************************************** rand_gen.c: Rand_Gen - This utility produces a random vector file. rand_gen.c: rand_gen.c: Command line options: rand_gen.c: {file_name} - Output file name. rand_gen.c: -n - Number of samples to produce. rand_gen.c: -seed - Random Seed to use. rand_gen.c: -realvec - Produce an indexed real-vector file. rand_gen.c: rand_gen.c: Specify values on command line, or be prompted for them. rand_gen.c: rand_gen.c: By default, this utility produces a complex vector, one rand_gen.c: real-imaginary pair per line. By using the -realvec option, rand_gen.c: rand_gen produces an indexed real-vector file, having the rand_gen.c: integer count of the sample and a real sample on each line. rand_gen.c: (The realvec version is directly plotted with xgraph. rand_gen.c: The default complex version requires the -a option in rand_gen.c: xgraph, for automatic x-axis increment, for plotting.) rand_gen.c: rand_gen.c: Example: rand_gen.c: rand_gen -n 100 -seed 405690 noise.dat rand_gen.c: xgraph -a noise.dat rand_gen.c: Or, rand_gen.c: sin_gen -n 100 -seed 405690 -realvec noise.dat rand_gen.c: xgraph noise.dat rand_gen.c: rand_gen.c: File Types: rand_gen.c: In: (none) rand_gen.c: Out: Complex (default), or Real (option) rand_gen.c:************************************************************** real2cmplx.c:********************************************************************** real2cmplx.c: real2cmplx.c - real2cmplx.c: This program converts a real vector file to a complex vector file. real2cmplx.c: Example: Real value 7.8 is converted to (7.8, 0.0) complex. real2cmplx.c: real2cmplx.c: Options: real2cmplx.c: (no options) real2cmplx.c: real2cmplx.c: Example Usage: real2cmplx.c: real2cmplx infile newfile real2cmplx.c: real2cmplx.c: File Types: real2cmplx.c: In: Real real2cmplx.c: Out: Complex real2cmplx.c:********************************************************************** scale.c:********************************************************************** scale.c: Scale.c - scale.c: This program scales a real or complex vector or matrix file by a scale.c: real or complex scalar, respectively. scale.c: scale.c: Options: scale.c: -s Scale factor scale.c: If input file is real, than scale factor must be real. scale.c: If input file is complex, than scale factor must be complex. scale.c: -x For Real-Vectors only, scale the x-values (index) instead scale.c: of the y-values, which otherwise is assumed the default. scale.c: scale.c: Example Usage: scale.c: Scale a real file by real value 4.0. Send results to new file. scale.c: scale -s 4.0 oldfile newfile scale.c: scale.c: Scale complex file by (3.8, 2.4). Send results to new file. scale.c: scale -s 3.8 2.4 oldfile newfile scale.c: scale.c: File Types: scale.c: In: Real or Complex, Vector or Matrix. scale.c: Out: (Same type as input.) scale.c:********************************************************************** shift.c:********************************************************************** shift.c: Shift.c - shift.c: This program shifts a real or complex vector or matrix file by a shift.c: real or complex scalar, respectively. In other words, it ADDs shift.c: an "offset" value to each term. shift.c: shift.c: Options: shift.c: -s Shift factor shift.c: If input file is real, than shift factor must be real. shift.c: If input file is complex, than shift factor must be complex. shift.c: -x For Real-Vectors only, shift the x-values (index) instead shift.c: of the y-values, which otherwise is assumed the default. shift.c: shift.c: Example Usage: shift.c: Shift a real file by real value 4.0. Send results to new file. shift.c: shift -s 4.0 oldfile newfile shift.c: shift.c: Shift complex file by (3.8, 2.4). Send results to new file. shift.c: shift -s 3.8 2.4 oldfile newfile shift.c: shift.c: File Types: shift.c: In: Real or Complex, Vector or Matrix shift.c: Out: (Same type as input.) shift.c:********************************************************************** sine_gen.c:************************************************************** sine_gen.c: Sine_Gen - This utility produces a sinusoidal vector file. sine_gen.c: sine_gen.c: Command line options: sine_gen.c: {file_name} - Output file name. sine_gen.c: -n - Number of samples to produce. sine_gen.c: -freq - Frequency, or number of cycles in the sine_gen.c: produced vector. sine_gen.c: -realvec - Produce an indexed real-vector file. sine_gen.c: sine_gen.c: Specify values on command line, or be prompted for them. sine_gen.c: sine_gen.c: By default, this utility produces a complex vector, one sine_gen.c: real-imaginary pair per line. By using the -realvec option, sine_gen.c: sine_gen produces an indexed real-vector file, having the sine_gen.c: integer count of the sample and a real sample on each line. sine_gen.c: (The realvec version is directly plotted with xgraph. sine_gen.c: The default complex version requires the -a option in sine_gen.c: xgraph, for automatic x-axis increment, for plotting.) sine_gen.c: sine_gen.c: Example: sine_gen.c: sine_gen -n 100 -freq 5 sinewave.dat sine_gen.c: xgraph -a sinewave.dat sine_gen.c: Or, sine_gen.c: sin_gen -n 100 -freq 5 -realvec sinewave.dat sine_gen.c: xgraph sinewave.dat sine_gen.c: sine_gen.c: File Types: sine_gen.c: In: (none) sine_gen.c: Out: Complex (default), or Real (option) sine_gen.c:************************************************************** statistics.c:********************************************************************** statistics.c: Statistics.c - statistics.c: This program Computes mean, variance, min, max, and optionally the statistics.c: median, of a real vector. statistics.c: statistics.c: Options: statistics.c: -median - Find the median (requires sufficient memory). statistics.c: statistics.c: Example Usage: statistics.c: statistics vectorfile statistics.c: Or, statistics.c: statistics -median vectorfile statistics.c: statistics.c: File Types: statistics.c: In: Real Vector. statistics.c: Out: (None. Reports result to std.out (screen).) statistics.c:********************************************************************** sub.c:********************************************************************** sub.c: Sub.c - sub.c: This program subtracts the elements of one real or complex vector sub.c: or matrix file from another to produce a third file containg the sub.c: differences. sub.c: sub.c: Options: sub.c: (no options) sub.c: sub.c: Example Usage: sub.c: sub fileA fileB resultFile sub.c: sub.c: File Types: sub.c: In: Real or Complex, dimensionality must match. sub.c: Out: (Same type and dimension as input.) sub.c:********************************************************************** transpose.c:********************************************************************** transpose.c: Transpose.c - transpose.c: This program transposes a real matrix, or conjugate transposes a transpose.c: complex matrix. transpose.c: transpose.c: Options: transpose.c: (no options) transpose.c: transpose.c: Example Usage: transpose.c: transpose in_matrixfile.dat out_transposed_matrixfile.dat transpose.c: transpose.c: File Types: transpose.c: In: Complex, Vector or Matrix transpose.c: Out: (Same type and dimension as input file.) transpose.c:********************************************************************** ucirc.c:********************************************************************** ucirc.c: Ucirc.c - ucirc.c: This program draws the unit-circle. ucirc.c: ucirc.c: Options: ucirc.c: (no options) ucirc.c: ucirc.c: Example Usage: ucirc.c: ucirc ucirc.dat ucirc.c: xgraph ucirc.dat ucirc.c: ucirc.c: File Types: ucirc.c: In: (None.) ucirc.c: Out: (xy plot file.) ucirc.c:********************************************************************** window.c:********************************************************************** window.c: Window.c - window.c: This program produces windowing functions, also called amplitude window.c: shadings or tapers. Used to minimize the effects of window.c: discontinuities at the ends of sample records. window.c: Defaults to Hamming window, but produces other windows by options. window.c: window.c: Options: window.c: -n x - Number of points. (Default = 128) window.c: -bartlet - Produce bartlet or basic trianglur window. window.c: -triangular - Produce basic trianglur window. window.c: -hanning - Produce cosine squared window. window.c: -hamming - Produce Hamming window (default). window.c: Also called "raised-cosine". window.c: -blackman - Produce Blackman window. window.c: window.c: Example Usage: window.c: window window.dat window.c: window.c: File Types: window.c: In: (None.) window.c: Out: (Real vector file.) window.c:********************************************************************** zfill.c:********************************************************************** zfill.c: Zfill.c - zfill.c: This program appends a real or complex vector with zeros. zfill.c: zfill.c: Options: zfill.c: Use: zfill.c: -l length - Length to make the new vector. zfill.c: Or, zfill.c: -nz number - Number of zeros to add. zfill.c: zfill.c: Example Usage: zfill.c: zfill -l 512 oldfile newfile zfill.c: zfill.c: File Types: zfill.c: In: Real or Complex, Vector. zfill.c: Out: (Same type as input.) zfill.c:********************************************************************** mdeterm.c:********************************************************************** mdeterm.c: Mdeterm.c - mdeterm.c: This program computes the determinant of a matrix. mdeterm.c: mdeterm.c: Options: mdeterm.c: (None.) mdeterm.c: mdeterm.c: Example Usage: mdeterm.c: mdeterm in_matrixfile.dat mdeterm.c: mdeterm.c: File Types: mdeterm.c: In: Complex or Real Matrix mdeterm.c: Out: (Reports determinant to screen.) mdeterm.c:********************************************************************** mat2image.c:********************************************************************** mat2image.c: Mat2image.c - mat2image.c: This program converts a matrix to an image file. mat2image.c: Image file is gray-scale intensity image of real matrix values or mat2image.c: magintude of complex matrix values. mat2image.c: mat2image.c: Options: mat2image.c: -ascii - Produce ascii ppm image file. mat2image.c: -brightness - Normal=0.0, darker<0.0, brighter>0.0. mat2image.c: -contrast - Normal=1.0, duller<1.0, more contrast>1.0. mat2image.c: -color - Produce color (rainbow/temperature) image. mat2image.c: mat2image.c: Example Usage: mat2image.c: mat2image in_matrixfile.dat out_image.ppm mat2image.c: mat2image.c: File Types: mat2image.c: In: Complex or Real Matrix mat2image.c: Out: Binary ppm image file. mat2image.c:********************************************************************** augmatvec.c:********************************************************************** augmatvec.c: Mataugv - augmatvec.c: This program augments a matrix by a vector. In other words, it augmatvec.c: adds a row or column to a matrix from a vector file. augmatvec.c: The dimensions of the matrix length or height must match the vector augmatvec.c: length. augmatvec.c: augmatvec.c: Options: augmatvec.c: -r - Add row to matrix, last row. augmatvec.c: -c - Add column to matrix, last column. augmatvec.c: -row x - Add xth row to matrix. augmatvec.c: -col x - Add xth column to matrix. augmatvec.c: Note: Rows and columns assumed to range 1 to n. augmatvec.c: One (1) is the first row or column. augmatvec.c: The last row or column is n, where n is the number of rows augmatvec.c: or columns, respectively. augmatvec.c: augmatvec.c: Example Usage: augmatvec.c: mataugv mat.dat vec.dat -row 3 out_mat.dat augmatvec.c: augmatvec.c: File Types: augmatvec.c: In: Complex or Real Matrix augmatvec.c: Out: Vector of same data-type as input matrix augmatvec.c:********************************************************************** join2xy.c:********************************************************************** join2xy.c: Join2xy.c - join2xy.c: This program joins 2 Real Vector files into one Real Vector file, join2xy.c: where the first input file becomes the x value, and the second, the join2xy.c: y value of the output file. join2xy.c: Both files should be of equal length. join2xy.c: join2xy.c: Options: join2xy.c: (no options) join2xy.c: join2xy.c: Example Usage: join2xy.c: join2xy fileA fileB fileC join2xy.c: xgraph fileC join2xy.c: Assuming fileA was: join2xy.c: 1 400 join2xy.c: 2 500 join2xy.c: 3 600 join2xy.c: And fileB was: join2xy.c: 1 8 join2xy.c: 2 9 join2xy.c: 3 10 join2xy.c: Then fileC would be: join2xy.c: 400 8 join2xy.c: 500 9 join2xy.c: 600 10 join2xy.c: join2xy.c: File Types: join2xy.c: In: Real. join2xy.c: Out: Real. join2xy.c: join2xy.c:*********************************************************************** histogram.c:********************************************************************** histogram.c: Histogram.c - histogram.c: This program plots the histogram of a real vector. histogram.c: histogram.c: Options: histogram.c: -nbins x - Number of bins to divide histogram of values into. histogram.c: histogram.c: Example Usage: histogram.c: histogram vectorfile histo.dat histogram.c: xgraph histo.dat histogram.c: histogram.c: File Types: histogram.c: In: Real Vector. histogram.c: Out: histgram.dat (plot-file) histogram.c:********************************************************************** barchart.c:********************************************************************** barchart.c: BarChart.c - barchart.c: This program converts a real vector file into a bar-chart graph for barchart.c: viewing with xgraph. barchart.c: barchart.c: Options: barchart.c: -thicknessbarchart.c: (By default, barchart sets the bar thickness based on the barchart.c: number of points in your file. This option lets you override barchart.c: the automatic setting. 1.0 is thin, 10-is thicker, etc..) barchart.c: -title (title) barchart.c: -xtitle (x_axis_title> barchart.c: -ytitle (y_axis_title> barchart.c: Note: Quotes are needed around multi-word titles. barchart.c: barchart.c: Example Usage: barchart.c: barchart infile graphfile barchart.c: xgraph graphfile barchart.c: barchart.c: File Types: barchart.c: In: Real barchart.c: Out: [graph-format] barchart.c:********************************************************************** differentiate.c:********************************************************************** differentiate.c: Differentiate.c - differentiate.c: This program differentiates the values in a real vector file. differentiate.c: It produces another vector file, which is the "differential", or differentiate.c: the sample-to-sample differences. differentiate.c: differentiate.c: Options: differentiate.c: (No options.) differentiate.c: differentiate.c: Example Usage: differentiate.c: differentiate infile outfile differentiate.c: differentiate.c: File Types: differentiate.c: In: Real differentiate.c: Out: Real differentiate.c:********************************************************************** integrate.c:********************************************************************** integrate.c: Integrate.c - integrate.c: This program integrates the values in a real vector file. integrate.c: It produces another vector file, which is the "running-sum". integrate.c: integrate.c: Options: integrate.c: (No options.) integrate.c: integrate.c: Example Usage: integrate.c: integrate infile outfile integrate.c: integrate.c: File Types: integrate.c: In: Real integrate.c: Out: Real integrate.c:********************************************************************** nums2vec.c:/*********************************************************************** nums2vec.c:/* nums2vec.c - nums2vec.c:/* This program converts a simple list of numbers, such as from Matlab nums2vec.c:/* to NumUtils Real Vector format, by adding the header line and an nums2vec.c:/* index column. nums2vec.c:/* nums2vec.c:/* Options: nums2vec.c:/* Use: nums2vec.c:/* -c - Make a complex vector instead of a real vector. nums2vec.c:/* -i - Expect index on each line of file. ie. x y nums2vec.c:/* (one x-y pair per line) nums2vec.c:/* nums2vec.c:/* Example Usage: nums2vec.c:/* nums2vec oldfile newfile nums2vec.c:/* nums2vec.c:/* File Types: nums2vec.c:/* In: (textual list of numbers) nums2vec.c:/* Out: Real or complex Vector. nums2vec.c:/*********************************************************************** vec2nums.c:/************************************************************************ vec2nums.c:/* vec2nums.c - vec2nums.c:/* This program converts real or complex vector files to simple number vec2nums.c:/* list files, such as used by Matlab, by removing the header line and vec2nums.c:/* index column. vec2nums.c:/* vec2nums.c:/* Example Usage: vec2nums.c:/* vec2nums vecfile newfile vec2nums.c:/* vec2nums.c:/* File Types: vec2nums.c:/* In: Real or complex Vector. vec2nums.c:/* Out: (textual list of numbers) vec2nums.c:/************************************************************************ enter_vec.c:/************************************************************************ enter_vec.c:/* enter_vec.c - enter_vec.c:/* This program creates a new vector or matrix file, by asking a series enter_vec.c:/* of questions. You enter numbers at your keyboard in response to the enter_vec.c:/* interactive prompts. enter_vec.c:/* enter_vec.c:/* Example Usage: enter_vec.c:/* entervec newfile enter_vec.c:/* enter_vec.c:/* File Types: enter_vec.c:/* Out: Real or complex Vector or Matrix. enter_vec.c:/************************************************************************ identity_matrix.c:/****************************************************************/ identity_matrix.c:/* Identity_Matrix - This utility produces an identity martix. */ identity_matrix.c:/* A square matrix having all ones down the main diagonal, and */ identity_matrix.c:/* zeros off diagonal. */ identity_matrix.c:/* */ identity_matrix.c:/* Command line options: */ identity_matrix.c:/* {file_name} - Output file name. */ identity_matrix.c:/* -n kk - Create matrix of dimension kk. */ identity_matrix.c:/* -complex - Produce a complex matrix. */ identity_matrix.c:/* -scale xx - Main diagonal will have value xx */ identity_matrix.c:/* instead of 1.0. */ identity_matrix.c:/* -sizeofmat matname - Create matrix of dimension */ identity_matrix.c:/* matching that of the one in file 'matname'. */ identity_matrix.c:/* */ identity_matrix.c:/* By default, this utility produces a real matrix of dimension */ identity_matrix.c:/* 3x3, unless otherwise specified. */ identity_matrix.c:/* */ identity_matrix.c:/* File Types: */ identity_matrix.c:/* Out: Real (default), or Complex (option) */ identity_matrix.c:/****************************************************************/ abs.c:/********************************************************************** abs.c:/* Abs.c - abs.c:/* This program takes the absolute values of a real vector file. abs.c:/* It makes any negative values positive. abs.c:/* If the input file is complex, it takes the complex magnitudes. abs.c:/* abs.c:/* Options: abs.c:/* -x - Take absolute value of the abscissa (x-value) instead of abs.c:/* ordinate (y-value). abs.c:/* abs.c:/* Example Usage: abs.c:/* abs infile newfile abs.c:/* abs.c:/* File Types: abs.c:/* In: Real or Complex abs.c:/* Out: Real abs.c:/********************************************************************** image2matrix.c:/************************************************************************ image2matrix.c:/* Image2matrix.c - image2matrix.c:/* This program converts an image file to a NumUtils matrix file. image2matrix.c:/* By default, the image's intensity values become the matrix values. image2matrix.c:/* The output values span 0.0 to 1.0. Maximum intensity (brightest) image2matrix.c:/* equals 1.0. Mimumum intensity (darkest) equals 0. image2matrix.c:/* Options enable selecting conversion for either red, blue, or green image2matrix.c:/* (rgb) component colors to matrix values. image2matrix.c:/* image2matrix.c:/* Options: image2matrix.c:/* -red - Select the red-component of the image to matrix. image2matrix.c:/* -blue - Select the blue-component of the image to matrix. image2matrix.c:/* -green - Select the green-component of the image to matrix. image2matrix.c:/* image2matrix.c:/* Example Usage: image2matrix.c:/* image2matrix in_imagefile.ppm out_matrix.dat image2matrix.c:/* image2matrix.c:/* File Types: image2matrix.c:/* In: PPM image file. image2matrix.c:/* Out: Real Matrix file. image2matrix.c:/************************************************************************ decimate.c:/************************************************************************ decimate.c:/* Decimate.c - decimate.c:/* This program decimates a real or complex vector by the decimation decimate.c:/* amount, k. It reads one input file (having n items) to produce an decimate.c:/* output file containing n/k points. I.E. It copies each kth sample decimate.c:/* to the output file. This is useful for reducing the number of decimate.c:/* points in a vector, usually after low-pass filtering. decimate.c:/* This operation is also called "down-sampling", or "sub-sampling". decimate.c:/* Default decimation amount is 2. I.E. Every other sample (all even decimate.c:/* samples, starting with sample zero). decimate.c:/* Writes the (i mod k) = 0 samples, from samples numbered 0 : n-1. decimate.c:/* decimate.c:/* Options: decimate.c:/* -k = Decimation amount (default=2). decimate.c:/* -offset = Offset value ((i mod k) = offset), default=0. decimate.c:/* decimate.c:/* Example Usage: decimate.c:/* Decimate file_in -k 4 File_out decimate.c:/* decimate.c:/* File Types: decimate.c:/* In: Real or Complex. decimate.c:/* Out: (Same type and dimension as input.) decimate.c:/************************************************************************
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