Cygwin Setup:

(For PC's running Cygwin Microsoft OS.)

The following hints will help in setting up a usable environment.

  1. Create the following .bashrc file in your home directory. (The directory your Cygwin text-window is in when Cygwin starts up.)
    		alias d="ls -l"		# Easy way to list directories, just type "d".
    		alias h=hsistory	# Shows previous commands by typing "h".
    		alias t=more		# Type file to screen, example:   t prog.c
    		alias pd=pushd		# Jump back and forth between directories.
    		export PATH=.:$PATH	# Adds current directory to execution path.
    		source {c:/proj/}csim/setup   # Replace {} with your actual csim-install path.
If you get messages like: could not open X-window, then after starting the initial Cygwin text-window, type:
... in the Cygwin text window. This starts the X-Server, which is required to run the graphical CSIM programs. It also brings you into a nicer windowing environment.

In X-Windows you will find many improved capabilities which are still not available under MS-Windows. For example:

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