Step 1: Create Hardware Architecture Graph |
A.) Go to a new empty directory where you have write permissions. Example:
mkdir test_example cd test_example
B.) Open the GUI to a new blank graph.
Either type gui and hit enter at the command line,
or select File/New from within the GUI.
You should see a blank graph with no objects.
C.) Include the library items you will need.
Select: File / Import / by Reference to File
You should pick the following items from the csim/model_libs/core_models
directory of your CSIM installation. (You can get to this quickly by pressing the check-mark next to the
file-name field. Select $CSIM_MODEL_LIBS and click OK, then select core_models.)
- monitor.sim
- generic_pe.sim
- lbus.sim
It is important to include these in the above order.
(If you make a mistake, you can fix it later under Edit/Special/Edit-Include-Files or by directly editing the resulting %includes
in your save-file.)
D.) Draw a simple architecture.
- Select Add: Box/Node on the left Draw Mode Palette.
- Click down three boxes somewhere on your canvas.
Everywhere you click will add one box.
Don't worry about messing up. You can fix whatever you do.
(If you want to erase a box, click Select/Move on the left Draw Mode Palette.
Then select the object you want to remove and press the delete-key,
or hit Edit/Cut, which is equivalent to pressing control-x.)
- Select Add: Link/Arc on the left Draw Mode Palette.
- Click once to start the link on the border of one of your boxes.
Then move your mouse to the border of the second box and double-click
to end the link. A link should now be connecting your first two boxes.
(No link connecting to the third box.)
Now to set the box properties ...
- Select Select/Move on the left Draw Mode Palette.
- Double-click on a box (or click the box and hit Open-Properties).
A properties dialog should pop-up. You can change the Instance Name
of the box to anything you prefer, such as a processor name, say processor_A.
Now set the Type-Name. This is easiest by clicking the Types
button to the right of the Type-Name field. Select generic_pe.
You could also type this in, but it is less error prone to select the Type-Name
from the designated list. (If you don't see the type in the list, then
you did not properly import the generic_pe library file. Go back and re-do
step C above.) Finally, hit Ok to accept and close the dialog.
- Repeat the last step again on your second box, to set it's Instance-Name
and Type-Name. Remember that the Instance-Name must be unique.
For example, set it to processor_B. (For this example, the Instance-Names
are not really that important, you can accept the default names, if you wish.)
The Type-Name is very important. Set it to generic_pe as
with the other box.
- Repeat the last step again on your third box, to set it's Instance-Name
and Type-Name to both be Monitor.
Now to set the link properties ...
- Double-click on the link connecting the first two boxes, (or click on the link
and hit Properties).
A properties dialog should pop-up.
- Set the Rate to 1.0.
- Set the Port Names to io_port.
(The best way to do this is to select the Names button to the right
of each port. This way you assure correct spelling. If the names list
does not contain the correct names, then either you have the wrong
Type-Name in the box connected to the link, or the link is not connected
to a box, or you did not successfully load the correct library.
Repeat the appropriate step above to fix it.)
- You can leave the other fields as they are.
- Hit Ok to accept and close the dialog.
The diagram should appear as shown here: ![](arch1.gif)
E.) Save your diagram: File / SaveAs
(Use a name like: architecture.sim)
Because the file browser was last visiting the model-library,
the path may still be pointing to that directory, which you should not have
write-permissions for. To get back to your local directory, you should
enter the full pathname of your local directory, starting with the slash "/".
You have now created a simple hardware architecture model.
Step 4: Create Software Application Graph |
A.) Open the GUI to a new blank graph.
Either type gui and hit enter at the command line,
or select File/New from within the GUI.
You should see a blank graph with no objects.
B.) Switch to Edit DFG SW Graph Mode.
Select: Tools / New SW Graph
(This must be done on a blank graph. You cannot switch modes with objects on a graph.)
C.) Draw a simple Data flow Graph.
- Select Add: Box/Node on the left Draw Mode Palette.
- Click down three boxes somewhere on your canvas.
- Select Add: Link/Arc on the left Draw Mode Palette.
- Click once to start the link on the border of your first box.
Then move your mouse to the border of the second box and double-click
to end the link. A link should now be connecting the first two boxes.
- Connect your second and third boxes with a similar link.
Now to set the box properties ...
- Select Select/Move on the left Draw Mode Palette.
- Double-click on the first box.
In the properties dialog,
- set the Instance-Name to START.
- You can leave the Type-Name blank.
- Set the Compute Time to 1.
- Set the Iterations to 1.
- Set the Map PE to /processor_A.
Finally, hit Ok to accept and close the dialog.
- Repeat the last step again on your second box, but ...
- Set it's instance-name to Task_Q.
- Set the Compute Time to 20.
- Set the Map PE to /processor_B.
- Repeat the last step again on your third box, but ...
- Set it's instance-name to EXIT.
- Set the Compute Time to 10.
- Set the Map PE to /processor_A.
Now to set the arc properties ...
- Double-click on the link connecting the first two boxes.
In the properties dialog,
- Set the Produce Amount to 2.
- Set the Threshold Amount to 1.
- Set the Consume Amount to 1.
- Set the Initial Amount to 0.
- Leave the other fields as they are.
- Hit Ok to accept and close the dialog.
- Double-click on the link connecting the second two boxes.
- Set the Produce Amount to 10.
- Set the Threshold Amount to 20.
- Set the Consume Amount to 20.
- Set the Initial Amount to 0.
The diagram should appear as shown here:
D.) Save your diagram: File / Save-As
(Use a name like: DFG_1.dfg)
You have now created a simple Data Flow Graph (DFG).