Setting Animation Modes

You may set animation modes from within model code. Use the CSIM_SET_ANIMATION_MODE function.
  int CSIM_SET_ANIMATION_MODE( char *kind, int mode );

   kind = "all"
	mode = 0	-- All animations OFF.
	mode = 1	-- Animations Enabled.	-- [Default]

   kind = "boxes"
	mode = 0	-- Box animations OFF.
	mode = 1	-- Blink individual box on each event.
	mode = 2	-- Concurrent, light all boxes
			    active at a given time together.
			    (I.E. snap-shot mode).
	mode = 3	-- User animation mode.	 -- [Default]
			    Boxes respond (only) to explicit highlight
			    calls within models.
			    (Boxes do not respond to such calls in the
			     other mode settings.)

    kind = "links"	
	mode = 0	-- Link animations OFF.
	mode = 1	-- Blink link on start of each transfer.
	mode = 2	-- Concurrent.  Keep links lit for
			    duration of transfers.
			    All links having concurrent transfers
			    will be lit at the same time.
			    (I.E. snap-shot mode).
	mode = 3	-- User animation mode.	 -- [Default]
			    Links respond (only) to explicit highlight
			    calls within models.
			    (Links do not respond to such calls in the
			     other mode settings.)

    kind = "time_display"
	mode = 0	-- Turns OFF the time-display updates.
	mode = 1	-- Update time-display 	 -- [Default]
			    whenever time advances.
	mode = 2	-- Update time-display every 10 advances.
	mode = 3	-- Update time-display every 100 advances.
	mode = 4	-- Update time-display every 1000 advances.

    kind = "verbosity_scrolled"			-- [all default off]
	mode = 1	-- Toggle show event queue on each event.
	mode = 2	-- Toggle show time advances with marker line 
			    in text window.  (Good for logging.)
			    (I.E.  ------ Time = 34.567 ------ )
	mode = 3	-- Toggle show detail about all communication 

    kind = "speed"
	mode = 0	-- Set to Normal Animation mode.  -- [Default]
	mode = 1	-- Set to Fast_Animation mode.

These correspond to the items under the Animations menu of
the graphical control panel (SimView).

Setting the animation mode is something that is typically done once, 
usually at startup (eg. time=0.0).  Therefore, you might place the 
CSIM_SET_ANIMATION_MODE() call in one of your startup threads, either
within a device-type having exactly one instantiation, or in any device-
type and limited with an initialization flag.  These are only suggestions.
Use it as you wish.

Example Usage: