Time-Line PostProcessor GUI TLPP-GUI
Introduction -
The Time-Line PostProcessor GUI (TLPP-GUI) is a tool for viewing
the results of simulations. The GUI is actually a front-end for
the Time-Line PostProcessor (TL-PP) tool,
which converts Event-History files from simulations into Time-Line graphs.
Time-Line graphs contain horizontal bars indicating the times
when entities are active, such as shown in figure 1.
The various entities, such as processor devices or software processes,
are listed up the vertical axis. Time runs left to right on the horizontal axis.
 Figure 1 - Example Time-Line Graph.
The TLPP-GUI helps you set-up a command-file which drives the TL-PP,
by walking you through a set of rough eight decisions.
The TLPP-GUI is invoked from the ToolsMenu of CSIM's main GUI.
To use the TLPP-GUI, simply go through each numbered step.
At each step, there is a button with a helpful explanation
for further assistance.
The final steps are a series of three buttons labeled A, B, C:
- A. Save the command file containing your choices,
- B. Run the TL-PostProcessor to make the Time-Line graph,
- C. View the Time-Line Graph.
One result of running TLPP-GUI is a human-readable command-script,
which can be further edited and maintained for automated processing.
Although some models produce time-line graphs directly, their format
is not easily modified. The TLPP-GUI allows you to control the following
- Order of devices on the y-axis,
- Colors of specific event-types,
- Annotation styles,
- Sub-sets of devices displayed,
- Time ranges displayed,
- Styles and thickness of time-line bars,
- Graph titles.
The TLPP-GUI assists in processing the EventHist.dat
results of a simulation.
The TimeLine-PostProcessor (TLPP) reads event-history files produced
by simulation models, such as those from CSIM's Performance-Model
Library. (Note: Not all simulation models produce EventHistory output.)
The TLPP-GUI first looks for the EventHist.dat file in your current directory.
If it finds one, it scans the file and then
prompts you with the relevant event-names, device-names,
and time ranges. Figure 2 shows the TLPP-GUI.
 Figure 2 - The TLPP-GUI.
Step 1: Choosing begin/end Events
Event-history files contain lines of the following format:
/Device_name @ time : event_type_name optional_event_info,
For example:
/sensor2 @ 1502 : Started data write.
/sensor2 @ 2005 : Completed data write.
Typically such events record the beginnings and endings of
activities, such as processes or tasks which persist for
various durations. TLPP will convert such events into a plot
containing horizontal bars indicating the duration of the
activities. Such plots are called 'Activity Time-Line Plots'.
Or simply 'Time-Line Plots'.
Many different kinds of events may be recorded in a given
event-history file. The event_type_name, is the first word
after the colon (:) in the event-string. It distinguishes the
different kinds of events from each other.
To produce a plot, you must identify the beginning/ending
or On/Off event_type_names of for activities you wish to plot.
In the case above, the relevant names are:
To assist you, TLPP scans your event-history file and lists the
type-names of events that were traced. You merely need to select
them from the list.
(For instantaneous events having no duration, the 'on' and 'off'
event-names are the same, and will draw a single point on the graph,
instead of a line-segment.)
Step 2: Choosing Annotation Styles
The Time-Line tool can place textual annotations on the time-line
graph to identify the individual tasks. However, the graph often
becomes too crowded with detail. Therefore, you may choose various
levels of annotations. For example:
- 0. No Annotations - Turns off annotations. No text.
- 1. Event Number - Just the Event-Type's number.
- 2. Event Name - Just the Event-Type's name.
- 3. Event string - Just the text after the Event-Type.
- 4. Full event string - Everything.
- 5. Hyper-note - No text on the graph, but when you click the
beginning of an activity bar, a pop-up note displays the
full text of the event.
You must choose one of the options.
The default answer is 3, just the event string, because this normally
shows just the task name, skipping the 'begin' keyword.
Step 3: Choosing Bar-Ending Styles:
By default, the time-line bars have square ends. This is clean and
efficient for large graphs. However, when the ends of sequential
tasks occur very closely, especially ones having the same color,
it is difficult to distinguish the end of one from the beginning of
the next. Also, tasks of very short, or zero, dimension may be
difficult to resolve. Therefore, there is an option to place
tick-marks on the ends of the time-line bars.
Step 4: Adjusting the Positions of Devices on Vertical Axis:
The vertical positions of the device-bars on the graph are
initially set arbitrarily. You may re-adjust the positions with
this option. The edit-button opens an editing window, as shown in figure 3, which lists
the positions of the devices. There you can select each device and
set it's position number. (Just enter the new position number.)
 Figure 3 - Device Position Editor.
You can change the position of devices in the graph by:
- Select a device,
(it's row-number will appear in the 'Move:' box),
- Type a new row-number in the 'To:' box,
- Press 'Apply' button.
However, it may not be convenient to move more than a few devices
this way. A better way to re-sequence many devices is to edit
the 'timeline.control' file with a text editor. This file is the
output of this TLPP-GUI and it is the input to the TimeLine-PP tool.
The file is well commented. You should quickly see how to modify it.
Hint: For extra help, record one or two moves here, so you will see
the exact syntax in the save-file.
Step 5: Setting Colors
You can associate distinct colors with key-words in your
event-strings to produce colorful time-line plots.
The colors help to visually interpret the graphic data.
Clicking the Set/Edit Colors button brings up the color-editing
window, as shown in figure 4, in which you can adjust the rendered colors of events.
 Figure 4 -
You may assign colors to specific event types.
For each event-type you want colored, enter the color
you want in the first box, followed by enough of a keyword
from the event string to uniquely identify that type of event.
Choose colors from the color list button to the right of
the color box. Names can be used for the first 16 colors, such as
black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, violet, orange, yellow, pink,
light-gray, dark-gray, and fuchsia. Numbers can be used for the
remaining 128 colors, as defined under XGRAPH's web-page.
Example: Suppose your timeline data file contains entries such as:
/brd3/dev8 @ 345.2: start modem9_3a
/brd3/dev8 @ 345.2: done modem9_3a
Then a valid keyword for any 'modem' event could be:
Special thought should be given to your event-type naming
convention so as to distinguish appropriate events.
Step 6: Device Ranges
You may restrict the plotting of events to specific ranges of
devices. Specify devices by the numbers shown in section 4.
To see multiple non-contiguous device groups, run Time-Line
separately for each group, saving the plot-file to different
names for each group. Then combine on a common plot.
xgraph timeline1.dat timeline2.dat timeline3.dat
Step 7: Time-Span
You may restrict the plotting of events to specific ranges of
time. This accelerates graphing of otherwise long event logs.
Select All or enter a sub-range.
If you select Range, the text boxes will show the range of
time values contained in your simulation.
Step 8: Save Settings, Process, Plot
After selecting your desired options in the steps above, it is
time to:
- A. Save your settings to a file. By convention, the file
is normally called 'tl.com'. You can retrieve and edit
your selections at a later time by opening the TLPP-GUI on
this file, or by editing it directly. The primary purpose
of the tl.com file is to drive the Time-Line Post-Processor
(TLPP) tool. Therefore, the next step is (B).
- B. Invoke the TLPP to process your EventHistory file, which
generates the time-line plot. Do this by pressing the
second button, 'B. Generate Graph'.
- (C. Once the plot is generated, you may view the plot by pressing
the third button, 'C. Plot timeline'.
Note that as you press the buttons (B+C), the commands being
executed for processing and plotting are written to your terminal
window. Should you wish to modify or re-issue the commands, or to
place them into an automatic script, you can see what they are to
copy them.
Caution: Watch for errors in processing your time-line file.
Generating good time-line graphs is often an iterative process.
First resolve any errors. Then iterate until the plot shows
the data in the clearest way.
Additional Options -
Under the Options pull-down of the top-menu bar are options for
changing the thickness of the time-line bars and graph-titles,
as shown in figure 5.
 Figure 5 - Options menu.
Setting Bar Thickness:
This option enables changing the thickness of the activity bars in
the timeline graph. Line thickness is specified in points
(72-points to an inch, a standard of the printing world). The
nominal thickness value is 3.0-pts. If not specified by this
option, TimeLine attempts to adjust the thickness slightly when
the number of devices plotted is very few or very many, by making
the thickness slightly more or less, as follows:
- If ~2 devices, thickness=6.
- If ~25 devices, thickness=3.
- If ~200 devices, thickness=1.
Setting Graph Titles:
These options let you change the graph titles on the Time-Line
graph. You can set the main graph title which appears over the graph,
the x-axis title on the horizontal axis under the graph, or the
y-axis title on the vertical axis along the graph.
Communication Arrows:
This option enables display of communication events on the time-line
graph. These are shown as diagonal lines running between devices,
from the source device at the start of the transfer, to the
destination device at the completion of the transfer. These
become super-imposed on the process-timeline, and give additional
insight as to the data movements, bottlenecks, and dependencies
governing your system's execution. The arrows are sometimes
called 'spider-webs', or 'spider-plots', due to their appearance.
For further information on communication arrows, see
time-line file options.
Command Line Arguments -
No command line arguments are necessary. Without command-line arguments,
TLPP-GUI defaults to looking for events in file EventHist.dat, and
does not attempt to read a previously generated tl.com time-line command/options file.
To specify the event file, such as EventHist.dat, place it as the first
command-line argument. To specify a previously generated time-line command/options file,
place it as the second file on the command-line.
See also: Time-Line PostProcessor (TL-PP) tool.