Download XGRAPH for Apple Mac OS-X
- XGraph4.38_MacOSX.tgz (4.8-MB) [7-31-2018] -
Contains XGraph 4.38 compiled for Mac OS-X 10.10 "Yosemite".
Should work on that or newer OS X versions.
To install, gunzip and untar:
tar xvfz XGraph4.38_MacOSX.tgz
Unpacks to XGraph directory. The executable is under the "bin" directory, called "xgraph".
A test data file, "test_xy2.dat" is in the top directory.
Make an alias to bin/xgraph in your .bashrc_profile file: (in your home directory)
alias xgraph=~/XGraph/bin/xgraph
(To activate, you may logout and login. Or source .bashrc_profile )
Plot data files.
xgraph test_xy.dat
Alternatively, navigate to the bin directory in your file-browser,
and double-click xgraph. Then under the File menu, select
Read New File to pick your data file(s) to plot.
To un-install, delete the XGraph directory.