-- Quick Find it --
- Block Identifiers:
- Variables (default):
- Synchrons (default):
- Attributes, Box Parameters, Global Attributes, Default Attributes -
- Functions:
- ANNOTATE( text, color, dx, dy )
- CHECK( port, &status )
- CSIM_GET_ATTRIBUTE( name, value, nchars )
- CSIM_HALT_POPUP( message )
- CSIM_SET_IMAGE_ICON( obj_name, image )
- CSIM_READ_IMAGE( imagefile )
- CSIM_NavigateView( cmd, par )
- CSIM_add_attribute( &attrlst, name, value )
- CSIM_literal_attribute( name, value, attrlst )
- CSIM_lookup_attribute( name, value, attrlst )
- display_image_resizable( obj_name, image, dx, dy )
- DELAY(x)
- halt()
- hilite_box( obj_name, color )
- highlight_box( color )
- highlight_link( port, color )
- place_text.html
- color_box.html
- list_in_ports( &n )
- list_out_ports( &n )
- PREEMPT( port )
- RECEIVE( port, &mesg, &length )
- RECEIVE_IR( port, &mesg, &length )
- RECEIVE_ANY( port_list, &mesg, &lngth )
- RECEIVE_ANY_IR( port_list, &mesg, &length )
- RESUME( &synchron, flavor )
- SEND( port, mesg, length )
- TRIGGER_THREAD( thrd, dt, param )
- WAIT( &synchron, flavor )
- WAIT_WITH_TIMEOUT( &synchron, flavor, time )
- Pre-Processor (Builder) Directives:
CSIM Pre-Processor (Builder)
- Command-Line Options (Build-Time):
- -count_threads - Makes simulator print a running tally of
the number of active threads as simulation runs.
- -include_marks - Include source file line markers, so
compiler reports errors relative to source files, rather than out.c.
- -nocomp - Pre-Processes to build out.c, but do not compile.
- -nomarks - Report compiler errors relative to the intermediate
out.c file, rather than source files. (More accurate)
- -nongraphical - Build textual simulation.
- -not_abs - Do not embed top-graph's absolute path name in executable.
- -rigorous - Consider Unconnected ports to be fatal error.
- -trace - Add debugging print statements.
- -v - Specify level of diagnostic messages.
- Environment Variables:
CSIM Simulator
- Command-Line Options (Run-Time):
- -core - Produce a core-dump on fatal error for
post-mortem debugging.
- -batch - For script invoked runs.
Starts simulation running immediately, without typing run. Exits automatically at end,
without typing quit.
- Environment Variables (Run-Time):
- Command-Line Options:
- -alt - Set number of alternate paths to find.
- -n - Set limit on highest device number to route.
Scheduler / DFG's
- Command-Line Options:
- -link_rate - Sets assumed data-transfer rates.
- -nospider - Turns-off generating ideal communication timeline plot file.
- -hist - Generates an event history file for postprocessing timeline plots.
- -n - Sets the number of processors, such as when running the
scheduler without any specific hardware architecture (ie. without a netinfo file).
- -o - Directs output of .prog files to a specific directory.
- -v - Controls level of diagnostic messages (verbosity).
- -stim - Be the STIM-Scheduler.
- Environment Variables:
- PMOD_PROG - Directs output of .prog files to a spcific directory.
- Special Attributes:
- Replicate - Replicates nodes for parameteric parallelization.
- Command-Line Options:
- -a - Automatically generate abscissa (x) values. (Expect file of y-values only.)
- -color - Specify color to render points/lines from next file.
- -col - Prompt for columns of file to plot.
- -columns - Specify columns of file to plot.
- -help - Get help page.
- -ng - No grids. Turns grids off.
- -ngrids_x - Specify the number of X-axis grids.
- -ngrids_y - Specify the number of Y-axis grids.
- -p - Show points only (scatter-plot).
- -pl - Points on lines (tick-marks at points connected by lines).
- -pdf - Plot to PDF file.
- -ps - Plot to PostScript file to send to printer.
- -psz - Specify point-size (tick-marks).
- -sann - Suppress Annotations.
- -shape - Specify shape of point-symbol tick-marks for next file.
- -socket - Connecting to running programs.
- -titles - Turn-off the graph title.
- -x_range - Specify x-axis range.
- -y_range - Specify y-axis range.
- -lower_boundary - Control graph placement on page.
- -upper_boundary - Control graph placement on page.
- -left_boundary - Control graph placement on page.
- -right_boundary - Control graph placement on page.
- Piping Input - Pipe data into XGRAPH from another tool.
- Directives which can be embedded within data files:
- Environment Variables:
Time-Line and TimeLine-GUI:
Iterator and I-GUI:
- I-GUI - GUI for the Iterator Tool.
- Iterator Tool - Automatic simulation launcher and recursion manager.
Aggregates results from multiple simulation runs.
General Concepts, Words, etc. ...
(CSIM Home Page.)